Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cesar Vargas- Opinion

There are many things for which Poizner would be a good governor for candidate. Even so, I believe he is not the right person for California at this time. His views are too conservative and he does not offer a concise promise to Californians on how he is going to accomplish many of his goals. Even though his 10-10-10 plan sounds good, the truth of the matter is that the government is not going to come up with the 2 Billion for Rainy Day fund if he cuts taxes even more. Cutting taxes will only further decrease the amount of money the government has and will create an even bigger deficit. His outlook on economics is wrong and is not realistic. Although he promises to send prisoners to other states, the true questions are which state is going to take them? And how much is it going to cost the state to not only transport these prisoners but also pay the other states to take them? Steve Poizner’s illegal immigration policy is also very ineffective. Denying in-state tuition for illegal immigrants is not only morally wrong, but would also have no deep effect in California’s economy. There is no need to try and raise tuition rates if the state were to be in good economic state. Poizner’s views are too radical and would make California walk backwards in progress. This is why I believe that Jerry Brown is the best candidate for governor of California. He has realistic goals that can be accomplished and has the experience that can bring this state into success.

Jessica Vara- Opinion

I would vote for jerry Brown, he is a candidate with the most experience. I like the issue that he is mostly interested in, he seems to have a good idea of what to do with the state of California. He has lots of experience working with the state, more than Meg Whitman. He will be able to work with the budget of the state and would be able to stabilize the states budget. I would consider Jerry Brown the strongest candidate, his background and the positions he has taken are good reference of what he is capable of doing.

Jacqueline Hernandez's opinion

The reason why I would vote for Jerry Brown is because of where he stands on the major issues. Being a democrat he has many of the same views that I have on many of the major issues including immigration and education. A lot of what he thinks of immigration he favors the immigrants and opposes many of the plans and ideas that Whitman and Poizner has towards the immigration issue. The reason why I wouldn’t vote for Poizner and Whitman is because Poizner is on the right side of the political spectrum which I do not side with. Whitman does not want to proivde oppurtunities for immigrants to prove themselves to be good citizens and that is why i would not vote for them. Brown has many good ideas towards making California a better state and to fix California because of the issues with the economy and our education. Being a student Brown’s plans for eduation and favoritism of the student body I would vote for him because of his siding with improving the educational conditions.

Meg Whitman- analysis


Her plans are to focus on three main steps in constructing a New California. I agree with her stance on rebuilding Sacramento in order to fully reach the potential on building a New California. She focuses on three goals as a start of her campaign and role as governor; the three goals being to create jobs in California using her job plan, cut government spending and lastly to rebuild and reinforce education. Her plan to create more jobs for Californians is based on her plan focused on placing tax cuts and incentives. The job plan has gained a lot of popularity, I too agree with her focus on the unemployment problem because it has affected not only a small group of people but it has caused an effect on the entire state of California. Fixing the problem of unemployment in California would lead to the success of reconstructing the economy as well because the more jobs that are created the more the economy will reach a stimulated point. Her second goal is to help cut government spending in order to also better help stimulate the economy. Whitman’s plan to cut government spending is focused on preventing taxing rates to increase unless the economy is increasing as well, also to regulate the enforcement of the “two thirds budget requirement”, lastly to focus on changing the legislature from full time to a part time legislature. Her last goal is to remediate any problems present in the state’s education program. She plans on making more money more accessible for classrooms across California in order to fix education.


Immigration: She stands for enforcing the security along the border to stop illegal immigration from affecting California. Whitman plans to eliminate the admissions of undocumented students to any UC, CSU or California Community College. Along with the extra security in the school systems across California she also wants to prohibit undocumented drivers from obtaining driver licenses. She wants to enforce security on the border and supports the measures that the federal government wants to take in order to fight illegal immigration.

Environment: Whitman supports all efforts to open the pathways for new renewable sources to be placed in use. She also supports promotion of transportation that uses clean air and helps the air stay clean. Whitman plans to rethink the uses of offshore drilling and nuclear power as an energy source.

Public Safety: Whitman plans to enforce the “three strikes, you’re out” law in order to make sure that the criminals are not in the communities in which we live in. Another issue she feels strongly about is the death penalty. Whitman states that she as governor will not weaken the death penalty laws that are already in place. She also does not believe in the legalization of marijuana and the establishment of new laws on gun control.

Steve Poizner- Analysis

Budget: In order to close the state’s deficit, he proposes to combine the Jobs Plan from the federal government as well as his 10-10-10 plan.

· His 10-10-10 plan features a 10% across the board tax cut, 10% less state spending as well as creating a $10 billion Rainy Day Fund, which would be used during times of crisis

· He proposes freezing all of state’s expenditures as of right now in order to prevent future deficits.

· Proposes to not exceed expenditures from the previous years.

· Proposes to place a hiring and debt freeze. Non-public safety employees would be laid off as well as there would be no more debt borrowing from the state.


· Proposes tax cuts for all Californians.

· Plans to create a stream lined government that removes most of the red tape and encourages businesses to create more jobs

· Pushes for a labor reform that creates a more competitive playing field for California businesses with the rest of the nation


· Creation of “Charter Districts”: These will transfer most of the decisions and power into the districts. The state education department will take a step back and let the districts make and enforce decisions. There will also be a simpler more equal system of funding for schools. As well as a system that maximizes and ensures that money flows from the government to the classroom.

· Hold districts accountable for the performance of schools. Change the Superintendent of Public Instruction into California’s Chief Accountability Officer. This title will give the power to be able to oversee the charter districts and make sure they are performing to their full potential. Give parents the liberty of enrolling their kids in any other school if their neighborhood school is within the lower 4,000 performing schools.

· Give incentives to teachers that do their work effectively. There would be a new system that would give awards to good teachers that positively influence children and do their work passionately.


· Strongly against illegal immigrations. If elected governor he would cut taxpayer-funded benefits for illegal immigrants. He would aim to eliminating “in-state tuition for illegal immigrants.”

· Forcing businesses to comply with the law and not hire any illegal aliens. He would revoke the licenses of those business owners who are found guilty of hiring illegal aliens

· End “sanctuary cities” that promote illegal immigrations. There will be a system in which illegal immigrants that are found guilty of committing crimes will be reported to federal immigration agencies.

· Proposes creating a partnership with the National Guard that will have many more officers protecting the border and making sure illegal immigration does not occur


· To combat overcrowding in prisons, Steve proposes to send around 400,000 inmates that were convicted of non-serious crimes to prisons of other states and have them finish their full sentences there instead of having them be released early as it has happened in recent years.

· Supports death penalty as a means of punishment

· Supports 2nd amendment right to bear arms

· Supports the 3-strikes law

Social Issues

· Does not support abortions and strongly opposes government funded abortions

· Steve Poizner will stand firm against same-sex marriage

· Strongly oppose legalization of marijuana as it poses a threat to our youth and communities

Jerry Brown for Governor- Analysis

Jerry Brown is part of the Democratic party and is running for Governor of the state of California. Jerry Brown was governor in 1974 and reelected in 1978, he has lots of experience working with the state of California in the different positions that he has taken through out his career. While Jerry Brown was governor of the state of California he was able to help the state have the biggest surplus as well as being able to reduce taxes for the state. He was able to manage the economy of California as well as to make California the leader in alternative energy.

Jerry Brown wants to work on the issue of economy, protecting the environment, and fighting for the people of California. He would like to work in the economy by stabilizing the budget of the state. He wants to fix the economy of the state to fix it in order for the state to stand on its feet once again. He would fight mortgage fraud, it would be one of the steps that would be needed to fix the economy and the people. Along with fighting mortgage fraud he would help the consumers, to protect them from unfair businesses and help the interest of the consumer. Jerry browns purpose would be to help the state of California and the people, which would be allowed with his experience working with the state of California.

Jerry Brown is also interested in helping the environment. As major of Oakland in 1998 and 2002, he was able to help the city be one of the greenest cities. He is well known with the action he has taken in cities and the state of California, he is known for the environment action he has taken. He would be able to help the state of California with its budget as well as conserving the environment and making it useful for the economy through the usage of re-usable energy sources

Along with helping the economy in the state and the interest in protecting the environment, he is interested in helping the people of California. He would like to help people with frauds being made in the state of California, fraud in the banks, credit, the health system and the corruption being made politically. Jerry Brown is interested in helping people that are facing difficult moments with the current economy.

Jerry Brown is a candidate with experience, and one that shares interest in helping the state of California with its economy as well as protecting the environment and the people of the state.